Ava Belle
With love from Momma & Dada

Welcome to Ava’s web page. It’s a blog with stories from before she was born, it has different sections for upcoming events and trips and there’s pages full of pictures of all her adventures with us.
We know it’s hard to get family together, especially in these tough times but we wanted to make sure we had a place that our friends and family could watch her grow. It’s going to happen fast and we don’t want anyone to miss it.




Her Story
From Before She Was Born!
Mom and Dad have created this blog to share Ava’s experiences since before she was born. We want to make sure that family and friends can watch her grow but we also don’t want to post her on social media

Rachel reading to Ava in her bedroom n San Diego. She loved books right from when she was born.

Hi, There!
I’m Ava.
I was born on February 4th, 2020 in San Diego at Sharp Mary Birch hospital, right around the corner from where I lived on Aero Drive. I don’t remember much from those first couple of month’s but I’ve been told we hiked a lot in the hills and around the lakes in San Diego, we went on the porch and played in the sun. But just a few months after I was born in June we started a long journey to Kelowna, British Columbia.

Before you were born
On The Boat
We took you out on the boat when you were in your Momma’s tummy to places like North Cove where you see your mom wading in the water on a beautiful January day in San Diego. You loved being on the boat in and out of your Momma’s tummy. You slept very deeply when you were on the water.
We took you out all over San Diego Bay and Mission Bay to visit Chuck and Mer at Mariner’s Cove and fishing by Crown Point. We visited friends and sat in the sun, letting Momma rest before you came. Everyone told us we would never sleep again once you were born, which was true for the first 6 months.
We learned that you were a baby girl while we were on a boat floating beneath the gondola at Sea World, we took pictures of your mom with you in her tummy on hidden island and we spent the last weekend before you were born wading in the water at North Cove.
Waiting for Ava
“Ohhh, that water is cold.” You were born in February so this was January in Mission Bay, the water is still cold!

Mom & Dad Met in 2013

We found out about you in 2019!

You finally arrived February 4th, 2020!

542-1088 Sunset Drive
Kelowna, BC